I dont dislike this app, and I think at $2 it is a nice cheap music generator. That said, even at $2, I would not reccommend it to anyone, except maybe an avid Eno fan. Bloom and Trope offer a similar, and in most ways better, expirience. The main thing I do like about this app, however, is the addition of voice.
While this app has a lot of potential, it needs some major improvements to be as good as Bloom and Trope.
The first thing I noticed was the uninspired "playing" screen. It looks very crude & pixilated and the lack of change over the course of it playing is boring.
There are a few interface options that need to be added as well.
#1- Need to add the ability to control the volume of the piano and the voice seperately.
#2- I agree with other reviewers that there should be an option to put the screen to "sleep" in listen mode.
#3- There needs to better control over the speed of notes in listen mode. What would be nice is seperate controls for the piano and voice so you could have them each play at the speed you want.
:) more music please about Air